Voting for the climate and nature in Salisbury
Find out about Salisbury constituency voting predictions and where general election candidates stand on climate and nature issues here. We aim to give factual and impartial information.You can also find events to meet your candidates here.
Where do candidates stand on climate and nature issues?
Who has the greenest party policies?
Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace analysed the Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Green party manifestos and current policies to see where they stand on climate, nature and the environment. The Green Party scored highest with 39 out of a maximum 40 points, followed by the Liberal Democrats (31.5) then Labour (20.5 points). The Conservatives had the lowest score with just 5 points.
How did candidates vote on climate issues in parliament?
Who has backed the Climate and Nature Bill?
Matt Aldridge (Labour), Victoria Charleston (Lib Dem), Barney Norris (Green Party) and Chris Harwood (Climate Party) have pledged their support, but the Conservative, Reform and Independent candidates have not declared their support so far. (updated 28-Jun)
This bill is one way candidates can show their support for climate and nature issues. The bill proposes new UK legislation addressing the full extent of the climate and nature crisis based on the most up-to-date science. 25% of candidates have already backed the bill in the UK.
Who has a realistic chance of winning?
According to Electoral Calculus the two parties with the highest chance of winning this seat are Labour and Conservative - estimated votes are shown in the chart (last updated 28-June). There is large uncertainty illustrated by the grey bars, and the result relies on people actually voting when many may not.
We show this chart because it is important information to consider under our current First Past The Post voting system.
Find out more about Salisbury candidates
We've delved a bit deeper and shared some links below to show where the Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Green Party candidates stand on climate and nature issues.
Due to limited resources only parties with MPs in the last parliament are shown,
consistent with Electoral Commission guidelines for non-selective hustings. Others are listed above.
WCA is non-party-political. We just show information we found - do not rely on this but do your own research.
A good plce to start is , where candidates can also upload their environmental credentials.
Matt Aldridge
Labour Party
Does this candidate include climate and nature issues in their priorities on their website or social media?
Yes - 1 of 6 campaigns on his website is 'clean rivers and climate-resilient farms'. He is also referred to as a 'clean energy expert' on his website.
Useful links showing their views on climate and nature issues
Victoria Charleston
Liberal Democrats
Does this candidate include climate and nature issues in their priorities on their website or social media?
Yes, she says 'we are running out of time to make the changes needed to avoid climate disaster', and 'I will continue to fight for action on air pollution, better investment in renewable technologies, reduction in plastic pollution, and the highest energy standards for all buildings'.
Useful links showing their views on climate and nature issues
John Glen
Conservative Party
Are climate and nature issues shown in their priorities on their website or social media?
Yes - 1 of 6 campaigns on website is Preserving the environment
Useful links showing their views on climate and nature issues
Barney Norris
Green Party
Does this candidate include climate and nature issues in their priorities on their website or social media?
Yes, his Green Party web page says 'I know first hand that Salisbury is a compassionate city, deeply committed to social justice and the cherishing and preservation of our environment. I’m standing to be your MP at this election because I’d like to place those values at the heart of who we are'.
Useful links showing their views on climate and nature issues
Salisbury Green Party web page
@barnontherun on Twitter and Instagram