Our Membership
The Wiltshire Climate Alliance was established to bring groups and individuals together. To create a place where people who are passionate about climate change or are concerned about the impact human activity has on the environment can share ideas and tell the world what they are doing.
How do you become a member?
Joining The Wiltshire Climate Alliance could not be easier. You can join either as an individual or as an association, just click on the relevant box and you will be asked to complete a very short form. If you join as an association, we can add a listing of your group below so that people who are interested in these important issues can become involved.
Climate Friendly Bradford-on-Avon.
Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon works to reduce carbon emissions and increase sustainability and resilience in the Bradford on Avon area.
We run events and activities and publish a monthly newsletter to raise awareness and give ideas for practical action.
Our newsletter and website give details of our evening meetings with a speaker, the talk is followed by discussion and a chance to chat with others. Here is the link to our website:
Our Action Group meetings are arranged by their Coordinators. We have seven main themes: Active Travel, Biodiversity, Energy, Community Involvement, Sustainable Food and Drink, monitoring Swifts and installing swift boxes, and Zero Waste.
Zero Chippenham.
Zero Chippenham is a not-for-profit, voluntary group dedicated to zero carbon, zero waste and zero pollution. In the face of a climate and ecological emergency, our top priority is tackling the causes of climate change by helping our community reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2030, in accordance with the science.
Our current action areas are:
Community Energy: including PV for schools and our Community Solar Panel Discount Scheme;
Sustainable Transport: including events such as our Electric Vehicle Day at Castle Combe, scheduled for Spring 2021;
Tree Planting: including working with the Town Council and partnering with local farmers to plant trees through our Tree Planting Scheme Carbon Offset Scheme
Air Pollution: including using mobile Air Quality Monitoring equipment to raise awareness and identify low pollution walking, running and cycling routes for school children and others;
Community Engagement: building on events such as our Sustainability Day and Sustainable Business Conference, schools and community events, and the recent Climate Emergency Workshop at Chippenham Area Board.
For more information about our activities and how to get involved please visit our website.
Sustainable Devizes.
Sustainable Devizes is a community group seeking ways to strengthen the local economy, reduce our environmental impact, and build resilience for a future beyond cheap energy and a changing climate. We are part of the Transition Network “A movement of communities coming together to re-imagine and rebuild our world”.
For more details of our aims and activities see the About page.
Trowbridge Environmental Community.
Our aims:
To raise awareness of environmental issues in and around Trowbridge
Encourage local communities to participate through positive practical action, demonstration and discussion
Work with other local groups, charities and local councils to make Trowbridge a more resilient place for future generations
Inspire and motivate others and change lifestyle to the better of our community
Interesting in joining us? Here is link to our website
Salisbury Transition City
Salisbury Transition City was set up in 2015, it sees itself as a catalyst and partner to inspire, encourage, enable and work alongside those who want to develop and action a plan for a sustainable Salisbury. We cannot achieve much alone but when we work alongside each other, learning from each other and playing to our individual strengths, we can achieve real change.
We are not politically affiliated to any party or movement; the issues are too large and important for that, because we are a grassroots movement, the drive for change will come from the community.
For more information visit our website HERE
Royal Wootton Bassett Environmental Group.
We are a friendly, inclusive group of people of different ages and interests in the environment.
Most of us live in Royal Wootton Bassett, and the surrounding areas. Members include long-time environmental campaigners as well as those who are just starting to want to find out more and everyone in between. Whether you are enthusiastic about sustainable food or into recycling and zero waste, looking after our local wildlife and land, or reducing carbon emissions, you’ll find someone here to share your interests.
We meet each month (currently online) to share information and ideas about living more sustainably – both as individuals and as a town. We usually have a guest speaker. Recent topics have included talks on our local nature reserves, gardening for wildlife, and how we can use a green recovery from the pandemic to transition to a sustainable future. We also have two project working groups on developing a cycling network, and rewilding our town.
Everyone is welcome! Please visit our website on the following link to find out more or join our Facebook group here
Extinction Rebellion - Various groups across Wiltshire.
Our world is in crisis. Life itself is under threat. Yet every crisis contains the possibility of transformation. Across the world, heralded by the young, people are waking up and coming together.
We hear history calling to us from the future. We catch glimpses of a new world of love, respect and regeneration, where we have restored the intricate web of all life. It’s a future that’s inside us all – located in the fierce love we carry for our children, in our urge to help a stranger in distress, in our wish to forgive, even when that seems too much to ask.
Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse.
There are several XR groups across Wiltshire. We have listed some below with links to the relevant Facebook Pages:
Salisbury XR Community - Facebook link
Chippenham XR Group - Facebook Link
Bradford-on-Avon XR Supporter group - Facebook Link
Devizes and Marlborough XR - Facebook Link
Nadder Community Energy.
Community energy is a growing movement in which energy generation is owned not by large industrial companies but by local communities, with the profits invested back into the community.
Typical ways to generate renewable energy are wind turbines, heat pumps, biomass boilers, anaerobic digesters, hydro schemes and PV (solar) panels on roofs or mounted on the ground.
Community energy groups also work on combating fuel poverty and improving energy efficiency by modifying insulation and draught-proofing.
Please get in touch. Nadder Community Energy is always wanting to hear from people who would like to get involved in supporting our work.
Visit our website on this link.
Malmesbury Community Climate Action Network.
Malmesbury Climate Action Network was formed at the start of 2020 when 200 people from the Malmesbury community came together to discuss their concerns for the future and what they wanted to do about it. From the event seven working groups were formed, tackling multiple aspects of sustainability –
and Overall Strategy.
Supplemented by the work of a central committee and supported by a formal partnership with the Town Council, the groups are currently in the process of developing their goals and objectives.
Do visit our website
Carbon Neutral Aldbourne.
Carbon Neutral Aldbourne was set up by a group of Aldbourne residents who feel passionately that our lovely village should play it’s part in preventing climate change.
Our priority is to reduce Aldbourne’s emissions to as close to zero as possible by 2030. We plan to do this by helping residents to calculate their carbon footprints and then by providing a space – both on and offline – to share ideas on carbon reduction.
We are also passionate about nature and believe that fighting climate change is about more than just reducing emissions. We want to live in a world where we are all more connected to the land and where our food comes from. Working with rather than against nature and creating spaces where people, plants and animals flourish is an important part of what we do.
We hold regular meetings in central village locations. We would love to see you at a meeting or hear from you if you have ideas on how we can achieve our goal to reduce emissions.
We do not claim to have all the answers but we feel that collectively we are stronger and have more chance of making an impact.
Sustainable Calne.
What we are
We are an unincorporated association governed by a core membership with elected officers (see Our Organisation)
What we stand for (in short)
Working together as a community to encourage and facilatate local action to help reduce the effects of the Climate Crisis for our world.
What we are doing & planning to do
Educating ourselves to: Learn about and celebrate the local and global environment within the context of the climate crisis, and to understand the plans and challenges to achieve a zero carbon Calne by 2030.
Taking action through education, events and projects to: achieve Sustainable Calne’s zero carbon targets for 2030 in the community, while collaborating with Calne Town Council on its own Zero 2030 plan to reduce carbon emissions from services and infrastructure that it has influence over.
We aim to achieve our objectives by: Providing inspirational opportunities to celebrate and appreciate the natural world including learning about, caring for and enjoying our local environment by joining together with local and national organisations.
More information www.sustainablecalne.org.uk
Helping The Community of Malmesbury
HMC is a relatively small group and enthusiastic members of the community who formed a volunteer cleaning group 4+ years ago. They carry out litter picking and cutting hedges around the town of Malmesbury.They have recently moved onto wildflowers and are keen to help with the climate. They are now keen to start a tree planting project in Malmesbury - Read a little more about the group on the following this link
If you are interested in being involved please E mail Ben on the link
Salisbury Area Greenspace Partnership
Salisbury Area Greenspace Partnership (SAGP), established in 2012, is an informal grouping of people & local organisations with an interest in green & blue space. It aims to raise awareness of the value & importance of well designed & managed green/blue infrastructure for community resilience & cohesion in the face of climate change, supporting health & wellbeing, connectivity for people & wildlife, landscape setting & the delivery of key ecosystem services including carbon capture, biodiverse habitats, regulation of air & water quality, pollination services, flood mitigation etc. See website for more details.
Salisbury Democracy Alliance
Salisbury Democratic Alliance is a group of people dedicated to bringing new thinking about democracy to our city. We want to provide citizens with the time, space and capacity to engage in a free and equal dialogue.
We began in 2017 with the successful Salisbury Democracy Café which meets on every second Saturday in the month in the Playhouse. We want to create the city’s first Citizens’ Jury/Assembly which would involve randomly selecting a representative group of ordinary people to deliberate on an important local issue, such as the climate emergency, and make recommendations to our councils.
We seek to influence our councils to fund such a body. Alongside this push, we are organising a Talkshop activity on how to tackle the climate emergency in Salisbury which anyone can attend, once Covid permits. Our website can be found at on the LINK
BremZero is an informal community group based around the village of Bremhill outside Calne. Its aims are to consider and facilitate actions that address the issues of climate change. It held its first meeting in January 2020 – well attended by over thirty people – and various work streams were beginning to be taken forward.
Then Covid 19 arrived and put us into hibernation.
We are arising again! For further details see our WEBSITE
Young Nature Watch
Young TNHS is for under-21s and membership is free. To join, email youngtnhs@gmail.com. We are a group aiming to bring young nature enthusiasts together by organising workshops, events, walks and more!
Young TNHS is an historic development for the Society: Inés Lopez-Doriga, who last year gave a talk on The Archaeology of Plants, has now joined the Committee to lead the new group. And it is a huge bonus to us that she has been joined by Izzy Fry, whose blog is a riot of colourful photos of local wildlife.
Over the next few months they have some exciting events to engage young nature enthusiasts including a bird ringing demonstration, harvest mice survey and photography workshop! For more information pay a visit to the Website, Instagram or Facebook page.
Corsham Climate Action
Corsham Climate Action
Corsham Climate Action (formerly know as Transcoco) aims to develop local solutions to local sustainability issues, helping to address the global challenges of climate change, loss of biodiversity and other environmental challenges. By finding sustainable local solutions, we will help make the Area a more positive and rewarding place to live, work and visit, and contribute to creating a more sustainable future for everyone.
For more information visit our website on on this LINK
Schools for Environmental Action
We are a passionate and dedicated group of student and staff environmentalists. We have carried out many actions including raising awareness, Climate Change Days, talks from outside speakers, positive actions to energy use, reduction in animals food products, reduction in waste, as well as participating in Climate protests.
Our vision is:
Awareness: To further environmental knowledge and understanding, allowing us to make informed decisions and reflect upon our place in the world
Action: To carry out practical, positive, evidence-based changes to make a significant difference to our environmental impact
Hope: To inspire active hope and encourage a lifelong commitment to making the world a better place
Transition Marlborough
Transition Marlborough aims to protect our town and the surrounding area from the rising costs of food, energy and transport which are being driven by the global challenges of depleting fossil fuel resources, climate change, and the resultant economic and environmental impacts.
We believe that by promoting community driven projects in renewable energy, food sovereignty, sustainable transport and recycling in all its forms, and as part of the overall Transition Movement we are contributing to the two critical issues of peak oil and climate change. Our approach to addressing these issues is underpinned by the permaculture philosophy and ethics. We believe that the transition to a more resilient and happy life cannot happen without reducing inequality in our society.
Visit our website HERE
Swindon Climate Action Network / Friends of The Earth
Swindon Climate Action Network is an independent group of people from across Swindon who are concerned about climate change and want to do something about it. We are open to all, non-party political and entirely voluntary.
We believe that many of the lifestyle choices that help individuals tackle climate change are also the choices that improve their quality of life. We communicate messages and run a programme of events around climate change and environmental sustainability.
For more info click HERE
Facebook page is HERE
Salisbury Community Energy
Salisbury Community Energy is based in Salisbury, and has installed solar panels on 5 sites including Salisbury Cathedral, Wiltshire College, Bishop Wordsworth School, St Martin's Primary School, and Kong Ltd, in partnership with Schools Energy Co-op, raising all the finance from a community share offer.
We aim to bring more local renewable energy to Salisbury and help educate towards a carbon-free future. We are a Community Benefit Society.
Click HERE to visit our website
Downton Green Group is part of the New Forest Transition Hub. We meet on a monthly basis, and offer a welcome to anyone interested in, or wishing to support our activities
Our mission is to promote sustainable living, particularly within the local community. Our activities focus on encouraging more responsible use of the earth’s resources, thus conserving them for future generations. Working together we can reduce, repair, reuse, recycle . . . so helping to take care of the environment and address the challenge of climate change.
What do we do?
Run regular ‘green fair’ events, plus other activities to raise awareness, e.g. ‘pop up’ stall on food and climate
Run a mini recycling centre in the village, aiming to reduce what goes to landfill
Write articles for village newsletters. Use social media/our website to promote sustainable living, publicise local/national initiatives and provide advice on transition to a greener lifestyle
Maintain links with local schools to encourage environmental awareness/action
Make representations to local authority decision makers and constituency MP
Initiated joining the Plastic Free Communities scheme, working towards making Downton ‘plastic free’
For more information visit our website/Facebook page: downtongreengroup.org.uk
Bath & West Community Energy (BWCE) is a not for profit, Community Benefit Society, serving communities in the west of Wiltshire and Bath and surrounding area. We are working to put people at the heart of the energy transition, placing ownership and control of energy in the hands of consumers, via clean energy projects that actively involve and benefit local communities.
BWCE has so far installed 12.35 MW of community owned renewable energy, enough to match the annual electricity demand from 4,000 homes and has re-distributed to date over £200,000 of surplus back into local communities. In addition to this we are assessing the potential for a community owned electric vehicle charging network, community renewable heating projects and testing community approaches to minimising peak electricity demand.
See www.bwce.coop for more information.
Do you support green energy that benefits local communities? - Join our Supporters Network! Click Here to download the poster.
The Birds and the Bees is a weekly show on Swindon 105.5 about environmental issues. It is hosted by Glynis Hales (Transition Swindon, Bee Roadzz Swindon and Cake and Conservation) and Cllr Keith Williams (Swindon Borough Council Cabinet Member for Climate Change). The show promotes local groups and individuals and the latest scientific research from across the country. We also highlight how to create, repair and reuse.
Our broadcasts are on Friday at 2pm, repeated Tuesday at 11am and shared to WCA Facebook page. You can also catch up on the Swindon 105.5 app from the app store.
So if you want to promote an event, project or idea do contact us.
The Friends of the Marden Valley was set up in autumn 2019, initially to run a Love Your River Festival in May 2020. We all know what happened to that! The Marden Valley is in North Wiltshire, and the River Marden springs out of the high chalk lands of the North Wessex Area of Outstanding Beauty, before flowing down through Calne to its confluence with the River Avon, to the east of Chippenham.
When possible we have led river side walks, and actively created Zoom talks on river issues in collaboration with Avon Needs Trees who have a site half way down the Marden Valley to plant trees, and wildflower spaces.
Visit our website on this LINK
Click HERE to view our map
Verify Humanity
Verify Humanity is a not-for-profit animal advocacy organisation that strives to challenge conventions that make animal exploitation the norm. We investigate the hidden, research the unquestioned and unpick the bigger picture to raise awareness of the unknown.
You might be wondering what animal advocacy has to do with climate change? While there is a growing understanding of the unacceptable cruelty associated with factory farming, less well-known is that livestock supply chains are responsible for a massive 14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions.
With our campaigns specialising in the illegal wildlife trade, illegal wildlife farming and factory farming, we hope to bring a relevant but fresh angle to the Wiltshire Climate Alliance network.
Tisbury Community Benefit Society Ltd
The Tisbury Community Benefit Society has worked with our community to develop our core principles (conducting business for the benefit of the community, proclaiming the need to care for the environment, showing people how, and the importance of placemaking). This work has culminated in the creation of Tis the Future which is a zero-plastic, electric-powered, mobile refill shop.
The electric vehicle ‘lives’ in Tisbury but spends much of its time travelling around local villages on a scheduled route, where it stops for a couple of hours for the villagers to come on board and shop, knowing their impact on the environment is as minimal as practically possible. The essence of a no-plastic, refill shop is customers bring their own empty containers and fill them from our refill dispensers so that their transaction generates zero single-use plastic. We sell staple, store cupboard ingredients (rice, oats, flour, sugar, pulses, pasta, cereals, coffee, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, chocolate covered raisins etc) at competitive prices and in an environmentally friendly way. The vehicle is powered purely by electric and goes at a very stately 15mph top speed!
For more information visit our website HERE
Calne FairTrade Community
Calne Community Area Fairtrade Group has over the years campaigned for Calne to become a Fairtrade Town. It was awarded FT Town Status in 2019. Fairtrade and the effects of Climate Change are inextricably linked, because many places in the world already feeling the serious effects of Climate change are those also where Fairtrade Farmers struggle to make a living and support their communities through Fairtrade production. They have already found it necessary to take remedial steps to protect their livelihoods against Climate Change.
Visit our website on this LINK
Wild Colerne
Have you been struck by the beauty of our valley over the last year? Well lockdown has certainly given us the opportunity. But if the Pandemic has taught us anything it is that we can’t take things for granted. We can act locally even as we think globally.
We are creating a forum where we can celebrate the space we have and create yet more for nature in and around Colerne. Whether it’s:
Celebrating the beauty of nature by documenting our finds through photography or art.
Identifying areas in our village where we can create and enhance habitats for wildflowers, insects and birds.
Create working groups for specialist areas of interest for e.g. planting trees, hedges or wildflowers.
Build a ’Seed Library' to share surplus seeds and plants.
Meeting in wildlife areas for e.g. Franks wood to discuss future projects.
We can’t to stop the cutting of trees in the Amazon but we can certainly do our bit right here by kickstarting projects to enhance and protect our bit of the natural world for the future. Frank’s wood is a perfect example of how one person can make a huge difference to a community.
Sign up to the Wild Colerne Facebook page; follow us on Instagram; phone 07858 581665 or email us at members@wildcolerne.org for more information and to be added to our mailing list.
It's time to get Wild in the Country!
Local Environment Action Friends
...in the Wylye Valley
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally
Creating a Sustainable Community
Can climate change really affect me? What can I do to help anyway?
Given that Wiltshire Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and has committed to net zero carbon emissions by 2030, there is a real and present threat to our local environment.
We’re all recycling, all trying to do our bit, but a community effort lead by good information and a plan is what is needed to actually make a difference. So how do we do that?
A group of locals recently got together to share their views about this and what, realistically, we can do about it. We came up with a lot of practical ideas, so we decided to form LEAF.
LEAF Goals:
Develop a sustainable community through a shared vision, information and actions.
Raise awareness of fossil fuel alternatives and how to switch to sustainable electricity.
Create a local composting scheme to recycle domestic and garden waste to reduce landfill and greenhouse gases harmful to the environment.
Support local allotments and gardeners.
Support local businesses to reduce ‘food miles’ and champion ‘eco-products.’
Encourage community action e.g.: clear-up litter and plastic waste in the countryside.
We meet as needed but if you aren’t keen on that you’re still welcome to join in, so get in touch with juliestrawson@gmail.com and we’ll share our ideas and plans with you.
We look forward to welcoming you soon.
Walking & Cycling Group - Sustainable Calne
Action for Better & Safer ​Cycling & Walking around Calne
I am the Cycling Lead for the Walking and Cycling Group for Sustainable Calne. I am also the Local Representative for the Cycling UK Cycling Advocacy Network. I’m passionate about cycling and would look to see realisation for the huge potential that the UK has for improvements in cycling infrastructure to a level and standard that I’ve seen in the EU.
Click Here If you would like to join or would like more information about the Walking & Cycling Group.
Bob Greenwood.
Calne Community Nature Reserve
We are a wildlife-friendly gardening project, aiming to create a community nature reserve from the mosaic of spaces, the same size as the area of a football pitch, made up of the gardens and private land in the Calne Community Area.
Whether you have a Garden, Allotment, Pond, Hedge, Window box or container, Nesting Box, or Bug Hotel, pledge this space and help create a fantastic area for wildlife.
The Calne Community Nature Reserve covers:
Calne, Bremhill, Cherhill, Yatesbury, Compton Bassett, Derry Hill, Studley, Heddington, Hilmarton, and Goatacre.
If you would like to pledge head over to our webpage: https://bit.ly/36t6YpR
To find out more and keep updated, visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CalneCommunityNatureReserve
Rode Climate Emergency Group
We are a small group set up in mid-2021 after the Parish Council formally declared a Climate Emergency. Our objectives are to initiate; inform; educate; encourage; and manage (potentially, in the case of particular projects). We also work with members of similar groups in local villages (Norton St Philip and Beckington). We don't have a web presence yet, but will have a section of the new Rode Village website which should go live in March/April.
To sign up for our regular newsletter please click HERE
Hazel Hill Trust
A few words about your organi: Hazel Hill Trust owns and manages Hazel Hill Wood, a woodland retreat centre 7 miles from Salisbury where people come to heal and learn through deepening their connection with the living world.
Hazel Hill is 70 acres of private, ancient woodland, lovingly managed by a small team from Hazel Hill Trust as a Conservation, Education and Retreat Centre. The aim of the charity is to encourage wellbeing and resilience through connections in nature. We host a range of activities and events at the wood, and offer the wood and our off grid accommodation to other charities, organisations and businesses to run activities and events in line with our charitable aims.
click HERE for more information
Sustainable Warminster
Sustainable Warminster is a non-political, unincorporated, not-for-profit community organisation in Warminster, Wiltshire, run by volunteers. Its aims are to:
• work together legally and in co-operation with other local organisations and with local government to prevent damage to the local environment
• develop a greener, cleaner and more sustainable town for the future
• improve the environment through positive practical action, demonstration, discussion and debate
• raise awareness of environmental issues by campaigning within the limits allowed by law, and encourage behaviour which reduces waste and pollution, reduces energy consumption, increases recycling and reuse, enhances biodiversity and mitigates the impact of climate change.
click HERE to visit our website
Citizens Climate Lobby UK - East Wiltschire group
Citizens’ Climate Lobby UK is a grassroots advocacy organization, part of a global movement to generate the political will to sustain a liveable climate – working through democracy and relationships.
Started in the US in 2007, CCL trains and supports volunteers to engage elected officials, the media and the public, primarily in order to promote Climate Income (aka Carbon Fee & Dividend) as the most powerful step needed to address climate change.
The local group meets monthly in person in Marlborough, and organises some public meetings - two in 2024 - to engage and inform. More details here . Local contact email jmhindley@hotmail.com .