Energy Generation - Heat Pumps
Useful Website about Ground Source Heat Pumps
The ground – mother earth – acts as a very large store of heat energy. It can be used as a heat source in winter, or a heat sink in summer. The ground can be used to moderate the temperature in buildings standing on it.
A ground source heat pump can be used to extract heat energy from the ground in winter and to transfer the heat into buildings. Equally it can be used to provide a very efficient mechanism for heat to escape from buildings down into the ground in summer.
For more information visit the GSHP website on the LINK

Adrian's helpful comments on Air Source Heat Hump
Adrian TB is a WCA members and he has recently send in the following E mail which may be useful for people looking into Air Source Heat Pump:
Everyone should get a Smart Meter + Display installed ASAP – it really wakes you up to the CO2 emissions caused just by your house: https://www.smartenergygb.org/en/get-a-smart-meter
Everyone can cut their CO2 emissions significantly from grid electricity usage by regularly checking, then planning when to use white goods/chargers through the day https://carbonintensity.org.uk/
The “Regional Section” of this web site shows Wiltshire electricity is either Solar of Gas – well worth really thinking about that … we need wind power here in Wiltshire.
The subject of ASHP energy gain vs temperature is complex but this web site is excellent in explaining and then ‘playing’ with the ASHP options available to select what’s ideal for your property
Mistubishi now do an ASHP that use CO2 as the refrigerant. This is immensely better than the Ecodan I was quoted : it’s 2.4Kg of refrigerant has a COe of 5010Kg – CHECK THIS OUT for your ASHP … !
Mitsubishi recommend this site if you’ve chosen one of theirs: https://ecodanselectiontool.mitsubishielectric.co.uk/
The RHI (extended to 31-Mar-2022) is directly relevant to HMG paying for your new ASHP but none of the installers that quoted could tell me how much of the cost would be paid for by HMG.
If you have an EPC, calculate HMG payback using this site: https://www.gov.uk/renewable-heat-incentive-calculator
However, it is crucial that you get the installer’s figure on your quote because, as highlighted here that’s what sets your repayments after it’s all installed & paid for – not the EPC
“For air source and ground source heat pumps, when you apply to the Domestic RHI, Ofgem will use the efficiency figure from your MCS Certificate, calculated by your intstaller”
This site is excellent for planning or sizing your ideal home solar/ASHP,GSHP/battery/wind network and then visualising how your energy input/storage/output is used during the day https://forkast-renewables.com/home